Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Business Excellence Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business Excellence Model - Essay Example Quality is the key because any process completed without the expected quality will be abhorred by the intended customers, leading to problems for the organization. So, Total Quality Management (TQM) is the management function, which should be incorporated in all the processes that will happen in an organization. Furthermore, if Excellence is inbuilt into that TQM, then there will be optimal quality in all the processes, making organization’s every initiative a successful endeavour. So, this paper by focusing on the term â€Å"Excellence† from the perspective of TQM, will discuss how excellence can be managed optimally in an organization. According to, Excellence can be defined as the â€Å"quality of excelling and also possessing good qualities of highest degree†. The term gives the same meaning when analyzed from the organizational perspective as well. That is, when the organization produces products or offers services, they have to incorporate quality in it. Only if there is quality, it can succeed, otherwise it will be disliked by the customers. While trying to maintain that quality, the organization will also or should also try to achieve excellence. This state of excellence could be some thing that is set by the organization themselves or by certain external agencies. So, only if organizations achieve excellence in quality, it can reach the ‘minds’ of the customers, then entice them and eventually ‘push’ them to buy the organization’s products or use their services. â€Å"Quality is ensuring everything we do has the customer in mind... Quality is about buil ding reputation, performance and an attitude of winning in everything we do.† (Zafirovski) The leader or the management team should always put a lot of emphasis on the concept of TQM, to provide a quality end product or service to the customer. TQM is â€Å"an organizational undertaking to improve the quality of manufacturing and service. It focuses on obtaining continuous

Monday, October 28, 2019

Market fragmentation Essay Example for Free

Market fragmentation Essay Because the PLC (product life cycle) focuses on what is happening to particular product or brand rather than on what is happening to the overall market, it yields a product-oriented picture rather than a market-oriented picture. Firms need to visualize a market’s evolutionary path as it is affected by new needs, competitors, technology, channels, and other developments. In the course of a product’s or brand’s existence, its positioning must change to keep pace with market developments. Consider the case of Lego. LEGO Group. Lego Group, the Danish toy company, enjoyed a 72 percent global market share of the construction toy market; but children were spending more of their spare time with video games, computers, and television and less time with traditional toys. So Lego recognized the need to change or expand its market space. It redefined its market space as â€Å"family edutainment†, which included toys, education, interactive technology, software, computers, and consumer electronics. All involved exercising the mind and having fun. Part of LEGO Group’s plan is to capture an increasing share of customer spending as children become young adults and then parents. Stages in Market Evolution Like products, markets evolve through four stages: emergence, growth, maturity, and decline. EMERGENCE. Before a market materializes, it exists as a latent market. For example, for centuries people have wanted faster means of calculation. This need was successively satisfied through abacuses, slide rules, and large adding machines. Suppose an entrepreneur recognizes this need and imagines a technological solution in the form of a small, handheld electronic calculator. He now has to determine the product attributes, including physical size and number of mathematical functions. Because he is market-oriented, he interviews potential buyers. He finds that target customers vary greatly in their preferences. Some want a four-function calculator (adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing) and others want more functions (calculating percentages, square roots, and logs). Some want a small hand calculator and others want a large one. This type of market, in which buyer preferences scatter evenly, is called a diffused-preference market. The entrepreneur’s problem is to design an optimal product for this market. He or she has three options: 1. The new product can be design to meet the preferences of one of the corners of the market (a single-niche strategy). 2. Two or more products can be simultaneously launched to capture two or more parts of the market (a multiple-niche strategy). 3. The new product can be design for the middle of the market (a mass-market strategy). For small firms, a single-niche strategy makes the most sense. A small firm does not have the resources for capturing and holding the mass-market. A large firm might go after the mass-market by designing a product that is medium in size and number of functions. A product in the center minimizes the sum of the distances of existing preferences from the actual product, thereby minimizing total dissatisfaction. Assume that the pioneer firm is large and designs its product for the mass market. On launching the product, the emergence stage begins. GROWTH. If the new product sells well, new firms will enter the market, ushering in a market-growth stage. Where will a second firm enter the market, assuming that the first firm established itself in the center? The second firm has three options: 1. It can position its brand in one of the corners (single-niche strategy). 2. It can position its brand next to the first competitor (mass-market strategy). 3. It can launch two or more products in different, unoccupied corners (multiple-niche strategy). If the second firm is small, it is likely to avoid head-on competition with the pioneer and to launch its brand in one of the market corners. If the second firm is large, it might launch its brand in the center against the pioneer. The two firms can easily end up sharing the mass market; or a large second firm can implement a multiniche strategy and surround and box in the pioneer. MATURITY. Eventually, the competitors cover and serve all the major market segments and the market enters the maturity stage. In fact, they go further and invade each other’s segments, reducing everyone’s profit in the process. As market growth slows down, the market splits into finer segments and high market fragmentation occurs. This situation is illustrated in figure 11.8(a) where the letters represent different companies supplying various segments. Note that two segments are unserved because they are too small to yield a profit. Market fragmentation is often followed by a market consolidation caused by the emergence of a new attribute that has strong appeal. Market consolidation took place in the toothpaste market when PG introduced Crest, which effectively retarded dental decay. Suddenly, toothpaste brands that claimed whitening power, cleaning power, and sex appeal, taste, or mouthwash effectiveness were pushed into the corners because consumers primarily wanted dental protection. Crest won a lion’s share of the market, as shown by the X territory in Figure 11.8(b). Figure 11.8 (a and b) Market Fragmentation and Market Consolidation Strategies However, even a consolidated market condition will not last. Other companies will copy a successful brand, and the market will eventually splinter again. Mature markets swing between fragmentation and consolidation. The fragmentation is brought about by competition, and the consolidation is brought about by innovation. DECLINE. Eventually, demand for the present products will begin to decrease, and the market will enter the decline stage. Either society’s total need level declines or a new technology replaces the old. Thus an entrepreneur might invent a mouth-rinse liquid that is superior to toothpaste. In this case, the old technology will eventually disappear and a new life cycle will emerge. AN EXAMPLE: THE PAPER-TOWEL MARKET. Consider the evolution of the paper-towel market. Originally, homemakers used cotton and linen dishcloths and towels in their kitchens. A paper company, looking for new markets, developed paper towels. This development crystallized a latent market. Other manufacturers entered the market. The number of brands proliferated and created market fragmentation. Industry overcapacity led manufacturers to search for new features. One manufacturer, hearing consumers complain that paper towels were not absorbent, introduced â€Å"absorbent† towels and increased its market share. This market consolidation did not last long because competitors came out with their own versions of absorbent paper towels. The market fragmented again. Then another manufacturer introduced a â€Å"superstrength† towel. It was soon copied. Another manufacturer introduced a â€Å"lint-free† paper towel, which was subsequently copied. Thus paper towels evolved from a single product to one with various absorbencies, strengths, and applications. Market evolution was driven by the forces of innovation and competition. Dynamics of Attribute Competition Competition produces a continuous round of new product attributes. If a new attribute succeeds, several competitors soon offer it. To the extent that many airlines serve inflight meals, meals are no longer a basis for air-carrier choice. Customer expectations are progressive. This fact underlines the strategic importance of a maintaining the lead in introducing new attributes. Each new attribute, if successful, creates a competitive advantage for the firm, leading to temporarily higher-than-average market share and profits. The market leader must learn to routinize the innovation process. Can a firm look ahead and anticipate the succession of attributes that are likely to win favour and be technologically feasible? How can the firm discover new attributes? There are four approaches. 1. A customer-survey process: the company asks consumers what benefits they would like added to the product and their desire level for each. The firm also examines the cost of developing each new attribute and likely competitive responses. 2. An intuitive process: entrepreneurs get hunches and undertake product development without much marketing research. Natural selection determines winners and losers. If a manufacturer has intuited an attribute that the market wants, that manufacturer is considered smart or lucky. 3. A dialectical process: innovators should not march with the crowd. Thus blue jeans, starting out as an expensive clothing article, over time became fashionable and more expensive. This unidirectional movement, however, contains the seeds of its own destruction. Eventually, the price falls again or some manufacturer introduces another cheap material for pants. 4. A needs-hierarchy process: (Maslow’s theory). We would predict that the first automobiles would provide basic transportation and be designed for safety. Later, automobiles would start appealing to social acceptance and status needs. Still later, automobiles would be design to help people â€Å"fulfil† themselves. The innovator’s task is to assess when the market is ready to satisfy a higher-order need. The actual unfolding of new attributes in a market is more complex than simple theories suggest. We should not underestimate the role of technology and societal processes. For example, the strong consumer wish for portable computers remained unmet until miniaturization technology was sufficiently developed. Developments such as inflation, shortages, environmentalism, consumerism, and new lifestyles lead consumers to re-evaluate product attributes. Inflation increases the desire for a smaller car, and a desire for car safety increases the desire for a heavier car. The innovator must use marketing research to gauge the demand potency of different attributes in order to determine the company’s best move. Summary: * Each stage of the PLC calls for different marketing strategies. The introduction stage is marked by slow growth and minimal profits. If successful, the product enters a growth stage marked by rapid sales growth and increasing profits. There follows a maturity stage in which sales growth slows and profit stabilize. Finally, the product enters a decline stage. The company’s task is to identify the truly weak products; develop a strategy for each one; and finally, phase out weak products in a way minimizes the hardship to company profits, employees, and customers. * Like products, market evolves through four stages: emergence, growth, maturity, and decline.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Jane Eltons Identity Conflict in Catherine Maria Sedgwick’s A New Engl

Jane Elton's Identity Conflict in Catherine Maria Sedgwick’s A New England Tale In her article â€Å"‘But is it any good?’: Evaluating Nineteenth-Century American Women’s Fiction,† Susan Harris provides methods and criteria for examining Women’s Fiction in what she calls â€Å"process analysis† (45). To apply Harris’ guidelines to Catherine Maria Sedgwick’s A New England Tale, I must first â€Å"acknowledge the ideological basis of [my] endeavor† (45) as a feminist/equalitist critique of the text. Furthermore, I identify the three-fold approach that Harris describes as historical, in distinguishing early nineteenth-century from mid- to late-century attitudes, rhetorical, in labeling Sedgwick’s communication to readers didactic, and ideological, by understanding my objections stem from twenty-first-century attitudes. Harris also explains, â€Å"If we look at them as both reactive and creative†¦we can understand [texts’] aesthetic, moral, and political values† (45); I consider A New England Tale to have a sentimental aesthetic, a Christian morality, and a support of female subordination. The concern of this paper is the â€Å"happy ending,† typical in Women’s Fiction according to Harris (46), present in A New England Tale, in which Jane Elton sacrifices her autonomous self through marrying Mr. Lloyd. I will critique this ending by applying several of the points Harris makes, including the conflict between theme and structure, the â€Å"extended quest for autonomy† (50), and the issue of the self-willing and â€Å"socially determined self† (54); also, I will discuss the sexual and religious politics Jane faces, as well as the importance of her role as educator. Readers can understand the autonomous self to which I refer in a nineteenth-century context: this do... ...orphaned, to abused, to truly loved. Therefore readers supporting these stances likely align with Sedgwick in viewing Jane’s marrying Mr. Lloyd as better than her marrying Erskine; however, consider that Sedgwick promotes Christian morality/values. Contemporary non-religious feminist/equalitist readers would likely desire for Jane to live independently: while this may not have been historically feasible, we can still prefer that Jane choose loyally to her self, that if she must marry, her choice does not sacrifice her identity. Works Cited and Consulted Foster, Edward Halsey. Catharine Maria Sedgwick. New York: Twayne, 1974. Harris, Susan K.. "'But is it any good?': Evaluating Nineteenth-Century American Women's Fiction." American Literature 63 (March 1991): 42-61. Sedgwick, Catherine Maria. A New England Tale, and Miscellanies. New York: Putnam, 1852.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

life and career :: essays research papers

Life and Career The known facts of Chaucer's life are fragmentary and are based almost entirely on official records. He was born in London between 1340 and 1344, the son of John Chaucer, a vintner. In 1357 he was a page in the household of Prince Lionel, later duke of Clarence, whom he served for many years. In 1359–60 he was with the army of Edward III in France, where he was captured by the French but ransomed. By 1366 he had married Philippa Roet, who was probably the sister of John of Gaunt's third wife; she was a lady-in-waiting to Edward III's queen. During the years 1370 to 1378, Chaucer was frequently employed on diplomatic missions to the Continent, visiting Italy in 1372–73 and in 1378. From 1374 on he held a number of official positions, among them comptroller of customs on furs, skins, and hides for the port of London (1374–86) and clerk of the king's works (1389–91). The official date of Chaucer's death is Oct. 25, 1400. He was buried in Westminster Abbey. Geoffrey Chaucer was born in London, the son of a successful wine merchant. After probably spending many of his childhood days in London's Vintry, his father did not send him to apprenticeship school, but rather to the aristocratic house of the countess of Ulster. There he trained as a page and learned the mannerisms and skills of the ruling class. He continued to be engaged in English politics, serving people such as King Edward III and the county of Kent. He was involved in many diplomatic assignments to Spain, France and Italy. Works by Dante, Boccaccio, and Petrarch affected much of Chaucer's writings. In addition to these famous writers, Chaucer was influenced by other French, Italian, and Latin writers as well as philosophy, comedy, religion, astrology and other sciences. Chaucer used a variety of genres, styles, tones, and subject matters in this poems and his prose. He addressed

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Child Labour Essay

Children are the flowers of heaven. They are the most beautiful and purest creation of God. They are innocent both inwardly and outwardly. No doubt, they are the beauty of this world. Early in the morning when the children put on different kinds of clothes and begin to go to schools for the sake of knowledge, we feel a specific kind of joy through their innocence. Introduction But there are children, those who cannot go to schools due to financial problems, they only watch others go to schools and can merely wish to seek knowledge. It is due to many hindrances and difficulties; desperate conditions that they face in life. Having been forced to kill their aspirations, dreams and other wishes, they are pressed to earn a living for themselves and for their families forgotten the pleasures of their childhood. When a child in order to earn his livelihood, does any kind of job, this act of earning a livelihood is called as Child Labour. Not all work done by children should be classified as child labour that is to be targeted for elimination. Children’s participation in work that does not affect their health and personal development or interfere with their education is generally regarded as being something positive. Whether or not particular forms of â€Å"work† can be called â€Å"child labour† depends on the child’s age, the type and hours of work performed and the conditions under which it is performed, as set out in the ILO Conventions. But before we go ahead, we must be clear about definition of child in our mind. In this regard United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF)’s definition is regarded as standard, which defines â€Å"child† as anyone below the age of 18, and â€Å"child Labour† as some type of work performed by children below age 18. But, it must also be noted that individual governments may define â€Å"child† according to different ages or other criteria. Child and childhood are also defined differently by different cultures. a child is not necessarily defined by a fixed age. Social scientists point out that child’s abilities and maturities vary so much that defining a child’s maturity by calendar age can be misleading. Definition Child Labour is the natural outcome of extenuating circumstances, which evolve when the compelling forces of abject poverty, sprouting population, and non-existent facilities of health, education and welfare, exploited the deprived and disadvantaged populace. The International Labour Organization (ILO) defines child Labour as: 1- When a child is working during early age 2- He overworks or gives over time to Labour 3- He works due to the psychologically, socially, and materialistic pressure 4- He becomes ready to Labour on a very low pay History The concept of child Labour got much attention during the 1990s when European countries announced a ban on the goods of the less-developed countries because of child Labour. The curse gained power in the industrial revolution at the end of nineteenth century. The Victorian era became notorious for employing young children in factories and mines and as chimney sweeps. Child labour played an important role in the Industrial Revolution from its outset, often brought about by economic hardship. The children of the poor were expected to help towards the family budget, often working long hours in dangerous jobs for low pay, earning 10-20% of an adult male’s wages. In England and Scotland in 1788, two-thirds of the workers in 143 water-powered cotton mills were described as children. In 19th-century Great Britain, one-third of poor families were without a breadwinner, as a result of death or abandonment, obliging many children to work from a young age. Not only in the west, but also in the East and Middle-East countries, this curse was rooted in societies, but not as intensely, as in the West. With the passage of time, with growing economic pressure, people had no choice but to make their children share their economic burden and help them financially. Statistics According to estimates by International Labour Organization (ILO), in their report of 2006, the number of working children aged 5-14 years was globally190 million. Country Child Labour Remarks Asia 122 Million Greatest in Number Sub-Saharan Africa 50 Million 26% of total Latin America 5 Million Least Rest 13 Million – The following statistics summarise the key findings from the third ILO Global Report on Child Labour Accelerating action against child labour which contains new global estimates on child labour. Children comprise of 60% of the world’s total. On average, one child in every seven can be classified as a child labourer. The incidence of child labour is highest in Africa where 41% of 5-14 years old children are known to labour, compared with 25% in Asia and 17% in Latin America and Caribbean. In 2008, there were approximately 215 million child labourers, aged 5-17, in the world. Among them, 115 million children were in hazardous work (a term which is often used as a payment, only food and a place to sleep. Children in informal sector work receive no payment if they are injured or become ill, and can seek no protection if they suffer violence or are maltreated by their employer. 10% of these children are working 60 hours a week. Classification UNICEF has classified child work into three broad categories: 1. Within the Family Children are engaged without pay in domestic household tasks, agricultural pastoral work, handicraft/cottage industries etc. 2. Within the Family but outside the Home Children do agricultural/pastoral work which consists of (seasonal/ full-time) migrant labour, local agricultural work, domestic service, construction work and informal occupation e.g. recycling of waste- employed by others and self-employed. 3. Outside the Family Children are employed by others in bonded work, apprenticeship, skilled  trades (Carpet, embroidery, and brass/copper work), industrial unskilled occupations/ mines, domestic work, commercial work in shops and restaurants, begging, prostitution and pornography. Its further classifications are: a. Migrant Child Labour Child migrate from the rural area to the urban or from smaller to larger towns cities either with their families or alone. They migrate either for better employment opportunities or to escape from bondage b. Bonded Child Labour Children are pledged by their parents/guardians to employers in lieu of debts or payment. The rates of interest on loans are so high that the amount to be repaid accumulates every year, making repayment almost impossible c. Urban Child Labour The phenomenon of urban child labour includes street children. These children belong to three broad categories: i. Children on the Street Working children who have families but spend most of their time in streets They earn for themselves and may or may not contribute to the family income. ii. Children off the Streets Working children who have left their families in villages or towns and have migrated to the city. They do not have a place to live and hence spend their nights at the railway platforms, bus stands etc. They live independently and usually spend all that they earn in the same day. iii. Abandoned/Orphaned Children Working children without families or whose families have abandoned them They spend their lives on the streets without any kind of support and are hence the most exploited and abused of the lot. d. Invisible Child Labour Children work in the unorganized or/and informal sector. They do not come under the purview of law. They constitute a substantial proportion of the child labour in the country. Most of them do not go to school and are involved in criminal activities. Causes There are a number of causes which are responsible for this curse; some of the major of these is discussed as below: Poverty International Labour Organization (ILO) suggests poverty is the greatest single cause behind child labour. There is also the high inflation rate to contend with. As of 2008, 17.2% of the total population lives below the poverty line, which is the lowest figure in the history of Pakistan. Poverty levels in Pakistan appear to necessitate that children work in order to allow families to reach their target take†home pay. Literacy and Educational Problems Majority of the population of the country is illiterate. It is pitiful that they themselves do not want to get educated. This may be due to any of these reasons: Quality education is expensive. To get their children educated, parents have to work more and harder to meet the expenses. This leads to disappointment among the parents and they either send them to â€Å"Madrassas† or send them to work. A student who has just passed his matriculation exams, and unfortunately was not able to secure good marks has very dull chances of making a profitable career in the future. Thus he joins some workshop and starts learning mechanics which enables him to earn a livelihood in the future. This may take long, but this always works. There also exists a phobia among teen agers that education is very tough, demanding and difficult. So, sometimes they do not go for education and always are in quest of alternatives. Irrelevant, non-effective and non- standardized, non-vocational education has made schools and education system just a burden to society. Illiterate parents do not realize the need for a proper physical, emotional and cognitive development of their child. As they are illiterate, they do not realize the importance of education for their child. Traditional Values In third-world countries, where child labour was common, as well as in contemporary child labour of modern world, certain cultural beliefs have rationalized child labour and thereby encouraged it. Some view that work is good for the character-building and skill development of children. In many cultures, particular where informal economy and small household businesses  thrive, the cultural tradition is that children follow in their parents’ footsteps; child labour then is a means to learn and practice that trade from a very early age. Similarly, in many cultures the education of girls is less valued or girls are simply not expected to need formal schooling, and these girls pushed into child labour such as providing domestic services. Ignorance of Parents This is one of the important social cases often visible in step-parents and foster-parents. The parents are simply ignorant of adverse consequences of child labour. They just put their children to work and become contented that the total income of the house is increased. And if at all, they know about the circumstances, they are unaware of their rights and are less likely to complain or revolt. Sometimes, even adverse circumstances are noticed. The parents just leave their children alone and ask them to earn their livelihood themselves. Sometimes parents sell their children in order to repay debts or secure a loan. Ineffective Enforcement and Violation of the Legal Provisions Pertaining to Child Labour Even when laws or codes of conduct exist, they are often violated. For example, extensive subcontracting can intentionally or unintentionally hide the use of child labor. There may be a number of reasons for violation e.g. The laws may be vague, inconsistent or confusing. The government has not that much capabilities and resources to implement the laws. There may be some iron hands who do not want to implement the laws because of their own benefits. Justifications of Employers Child labour plays an important role in mills and factories because child labour is cheap, easily available, easily accessible and better managed as they are not able to unite against the exploitations. In countries with largest number of child labourers; India and Pakistan, mill owners justify the involvement of children in industry as they have nimble fingers which enable them to give special attention to details. Some, sort of work, they argue, can’t be done by adults as flawlessly as done by children e.g. embroidery, football stitching, carpeting, delicate glassware etc. On the  side of the firms, the low cost of child labour gave manufacturers a significant advantage in the Western marketplace, where they undersell their competitors from countries prohibiting child labour, often by improbable amounts. Other Factors Child soldiers are forcibly enlisted into military services and operations. The international sex trade places great value on child prostitutes. Girls and to a lesser extent boys also, are kidnapped from their homes (or sold) to networks of child traffickers supplying overseas markets: poverty and sexual and racial discrimination also drive children into tourist sex trade. Other factors may include high rate of inflation, population explosion, unemployment, uneven distribution of wealth and resources, discrimination among the nation and against minority groups, poor infra-structure, outdated social customs and norms and plethora of other factors. Forms of Child labour During the year 2001 and 2002 the government of Pakistan carried out a series of consultation of tripartite partners and stakeholders (Labour Department, trade unions, employers and NGOs) in all the provinces. The objective was to identify the occupations and the categories of work, which may be considered as hazardous under the provisions of ILO Convention 182. As a result of these deliberations, a national consensus list of occupations and categories of work was identified, which is given below: Work inside underground mines over ground quarries, including blasting and assisting in blasting Work with power driven cutting machinery like saws, shears, and guillotines, ( Thrashers, fodder cutting machines, also marbles) Work with live electrical wires over 50V. All operation related to leather tanning process e.g. soaking, de-hairing, liming chrome tanning, de-liming, pickling de-fleshing, and ink application. Mixing or application of pesticides insecticide/fumigation. Sandblasting and other work involving exposure to free silica. Work with exposure to All toxic, explosive and carcinogenic chemicals e.g. ammonia, chlorine, sulphur dioxide, organic and inorganic acids, caustic soda, phosphorus, epoxy, resins, metal fumes of heavy metals like nickel, mercury chromium, lead, arsenic etc. Work with exposure to cement dust (cement industry and  construction industry) Work with exposure to coal dust Manufacture and sale of fireworks explosives Work at the sites where Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) and Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) are filled in cylinders. Work on glass and metal furnaces Football stitching and making of toys Work in the clothe printing, dyeing and finishing sections Work inside sewer pipelines, pits, storage tanks Stone crushing Lifting and carrying of heavy weight specially in transport industry ( 15kg and above) Work between 10 pm to 8 am ( Hotel Industry) Carpet waving Working 2m above the floor All scavenging including garbage and hospital waste Tobacco processing ( including Niswar) and Manufacturing Deep fishing ( commercial fishing/ sea food and fish processing Sheep casing and wool industry Ship breaking Surgical instrument manufacturing specially in vendors workshop Bangles glass, furnaces Beggary, prostitution and other criminal activities Laws and Reforms Before we talk about labour laws, let’s first have a look at the constitutional provisions pertaining to child labour. †¢ Article 3: The state shall ensure the elimination of all forms of exploitation and the gradual fulfillment of fundamental principle, from each according to his ability and to each according to his work. †¢ Article 11(3): No child below the age of 14 years shall be engaged in any factory or mine or any other hazardous employment. †¢ Article 25(A): The state shall provide free and Setting-up credit and savings schemes in an attempt to provide alternatives to bonded labour. Vocational education is also one of the major clauses compulsory to all children of the age of five to sixteen years in such manner as determined by law. †¢ Article 37(e): The state shall make provision for securing just and humane conditions of work, ensuring that women and  children are not employed in vacations unsuited to their age or sex, and for maternity benefits for women in employment. Following instruments of legislation deal exclusively with the subject of child labour. †¢ The Employment of Children Act 1991 †¢ The Employment of Children Rules 1995 Other than these two, there are other laws as well which deal with the employment of children and regulate the working conditions for employed child workers. Mines Act, 1923 The Children (Pledging of Labour) Act, 1933 The Factories Act, 1934 The Road Transport Workers Ordinance, 1961 Shops and Establishments Ordinance, 1969 The Bonded Labour System Abolition Act 1992. The Punjab Compulsory Education Act 1994 Merchant Shipping Ordinance, 2001 Efforts to Reduce Child Labour Save the Children Movement Save the children has also been working with some of the sporting goods manufacturers represented by the Sialkot Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI) and their international partner brands, represented by the World Federation of the Sporting Goods Industry (WFSGI). This joint effort is aimed at ensuring that children are not employed to stitch footballs. Save the Children has also worked on project with the British Secretary of State for International Development to phase out child labour in Sialkot. The  £750,000 donated by Britain will be spent on education and training, and also on SPARC SPARC has conducted research that goes into producing its publications, including three major books on child labour, juvenile justice and child rights. Its annual report The State of Pakistan’s Children and a large number of brochures, SPARC has conducted a number of research studies. SPARC has continued to ask successive governments to upgrade their laws to set a legal age limit for employment in Pakistan, although they have not been successful in doing so. Other NGOs Other NGOs that has worked on the issue of child labour in Pakistan includes organization such as UNICEF. UNICEF supported the NCCWD in drafting of the Child Protection Law and the Child Protection Policy and initiated the establishment of Child Protection Monitoring and Data Collecting System. Many other NGO such as ROZAN has work to protect the children. SPARC is also an NGO. Impacts on Society Some of the impacts of Child labour are as follows: Stunted growth of future generation Inability to contribute to and benefit from development Citizens with accumulated frustration Adult unemployment Depreciation in wages Rising poverty level and economic inequality Increased abuse rate of children Heightened crime rate Increased illiteracy Citizens with inferiority complex Malnourished and sick citizens Political instability Inter-generational phenomenon of child labour Increased constrictions in the development process Wasted human resources, talents and skills Suggestions to Eradicate Child Labour Possibly there can be no remedies for this problem. However short and long measures are possible. Rather child labour is banned in law but it is there as crime. However, it needs to draw the attention of concerns to the issue so that the root causes of issue may be explored and take a step forward with better strategy to cope with the issue systematically. The law-breakers must be punished accordingly. The parents of the children should be motivated for the purpose. The support mechanism should include schooling facilities, evolve marketing linkages of certain occupations and crafts by making communities the owner of their business preventing from external exploitation The children we employ in our homes will grow up and head  families of similarly low income. They will want their children to earn for them the same way they did for their parents. A steady family profession will be established, which will repeat and multiply in each generation. Until and unless we remove this economic incentive for having more children, poverty and population control will remain elusive. By refusing to employ a child in your home, you can help solve the problem As the provision of universal and compulsory education should be fixed upto matriculation at least, in the very start. This education should be completely free with free provision of books and uniform. The banks should advance loans for the affected families, as by micro credit banks, to start some cottage industry at their homes. Loans should be interest less and very small installments should be covered. All such cottage industries should work under the supervision of an expert. Also, facilitate and sensitize Government to take steps getting workers out of debt. For the purpose special funds might be allocated. Children used to labour can be best equipped with manual competence, by inducting them to technical and professional training. For them, special vocational institutes should be opened for best results, where education and technical knowledge shall go hand-in-hand. Small stipends shall virtually work wonders. Disabled children must receive priority attention due to their particular vulnerability to exploitation in the worst forms of child labour on the streets. Civil society and media’s engagement can change the attitude. It can raise awareness among people about child labour, population growth and its adverse effects on health and development, thus alleviating children’s vulnerability to get abused. Children should be guarded against hard work, in accordance with the children’s right and human rights. They should be provided opportunities to better their lot by giving them a chance to physically, intellectually, morally and socially to grow, develop and progress. Various international agencies are closely cooperating by providing monetary assistance besides material goods. All these materials and funds should be employed for their welfare, and, no one should be allowed to rob them of rightful privileges and facilities. In this respect, there is wide scope for N.G.O’s should come forward and chalk out practical planning for the alleviations of child labour. Summary The project is about a very controversial issue: Child Labour. The report  conveys that how the innocent creatures are bound to work for longer hours in very minute amount of income and gaining benefit of them. Child labor is a multi-dimensional issue. With no intentions of demystifying this complex, one would focus on the difference between child labor and child work, and possible consequences of deliberate or unaware exercise of the two terms interchangeably. Child labor reflects the violation of child rights leading to exploitation and deprivations of all kinds. Child work reflects social inequity and insecurity, dearth of social safety networks, magnitude of poverty, lacking of opportunities for health and education, and financial independence. The report also states the classifications, forms, reasons and impacts of child labour on society. It further talks about different laws and organization working for these laws. It also points out the ways to stop this curse. References Bibliography Child Labour & Educational Disadvantage a Review by Gordon Brown

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Essay on Bill Gates.

Essay on Bill Gates. The most interesting article that I have read lately has to be about Bill Gates and how he has lead his company into the number one spot in the world. He co-founded Microsoft in 1975 and served as its Chief Executive Officer form the time the original partnership was incorporated in 1981 until January 2000. He is recognized as the youngest self-made billionaire in history. Windows operating system is America's most used software on the majority of personal computers. It is obvious that it takes a certain type of person to successfully create and maintain such a profitable organization. The article talked about how such a man had dropped out of Harvard to chase his dream. Gates has always believed in his goal and has never stopped striving for perfection. His aim for fulfillment and his charismatic leadership has been a major key to Microsoft's success. Gates tells his employees what to do and they do it.Bill Gates at the World Economic Forum ,2007.They believe in him. Gates recognize s the need to have others, as well as himself, focus on the group's vision and he realizes that it is the leader's responsibility to inspire his subordinates by leading by example.Gates realizes that he needs followers help and support to create organizational and societal changes and he definitely sought the support and wisdom of others when in the process of building the company. He worked hands on with his fellow employees, identifying and correcting problems with software and continually setting and reaching long-term goals. Gates is such a charismatic leader and so extraordinary in his strategic insight that his subordinates idolize him and want to be like him. Gates uses extraordinary discretion when hiring applicants to work for Microsoft. He wants to ensure that every single person shares the same prospectus for the corporation,

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to fold a shirt Essay Example

How to fold a shirt Essay Example How to fold a shirt Essay How to fold a shirt Essay A young Chinese American woman, Jing-Mei June Woo, recalls, after her mothers death, her mothers sadness at having left her twin baby girls in China in 1949. June has used her mothers regret as a weapon in a battle of wills focusing on what her mother wants her to be and what she wants. June wins, leaving her mother, Suyuan, stunned when she says she wishes she were dead like the twins. Although this scene characterizes the common struggle for power between mother and daughter, the tory also illustrates the cultural division between an Asian immigrant and her Asian American daughter. These cultural clashes resonate throughout the short story, as does the discordant sound of Junes piano playing. See more at: http:// www. enotes. com/topics/two-kinds/summary#sthash. qCMJ6LtF. dpufA young Chinese American woman, Jing-Mei June Woo, recalls, after her mothers death, her mothers sadness at having left her twin baby girls in China in 1949. June has used her mothers regret as a weapon in a battle of wills focusing on what her mother wants er to be and what she wants. June wins, leaving her mother, Suyuan, stunned when she says she wishes she were dead like the twins. Although this scene characterizes the common struggle for power between mother and daughter, the story also illustrates the cultural division between an Asian immigrant and her Asian American daughter. These cultural clashes resonate throughout the short story, as does the discordant sound of Junes piano playing. See more at: enotes. com/ topics/two-kinds/summary#sthash. qCMJ6LtF. ufA young Chinese American woman, Jing-Mei June Woo, recalls, after her mothers death, her mothers sadness at having left her twin baby girls in China in 1949. June has used her mothers regret as a weapon in a battle of wills focusing on what her mother wants her to be and what she wants. June wins, leaving her mother, Suyuan, stunned when she says she wishes she were dead like the twins. Although this scene characterizes the common struggle for power between mother and daughter, the story also illustrate s the cultural ivision between an Asian immigrant and her Asian American daughter. These cultural clashes resonate throughout the short story, as does the discordant sound of Junes piano playing. See more at: enotes. com/topics/two-kinds/ summary#sthash. qCMJ6LtF. dpufA young Chinese American woman, Jing-Mei June Woo, recalls, after her mothers death, her mothers sadness at having left her twin baby girls in China in 1949. June has used her mothers regret as a weapon in a battle of wills focusing on what her mother wants her to be and what she wants. June wins, leaving her mother, Suyuan, stunned when she says she wishes she were dead like the twins. Although this scene characterizes the common struggle for power between mother and daughter, the story also illustrates the cultural division between an Asian immigrant and her Asian American daughter. These cultural clashes resonate throughout the short story, as does the discordant sound of Junes piano playing. See more at: enotes. com/topics/two-kinds/ summary#sthash. qCMJ6LtF. dpuf

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Social Media Advocacy How to Develop a Successful Program For Your Brand

Social Media Advocacy How to Develop a Successful Program For Your Brand Social media employee advocacy. It’s a buzzword that has been floating around marketing teams for the past couple of years. While these types programs can be dramatically effective for a plethora of different reasons, including†¦ Brand awareness Sales connections Building company trust teams are still hesitant to adapt them  because†¦ There is risk of posting inappropriate content They are afraid the team won’t want to participate They already have enough work on their plate Whether you’ve started a program with your team and it’s turned into a chaotic mess, or you’re simply not sure how to start, you’ll learn about the resources and tools you need to turn your own employees into your biggest brand advocates. How To Develop A Successful Social Media Advocacy Program That Will Increase Brand AwarenessFirst Things First: Get Your Free Social Media Employee Advocacy Startup Package Before we start, make sure you download our Social Media Employee Advocacy Startup Package. When you download it, you’ll get: An pre-set email template to help you ask your co-workers to join the program A PowerPoint deck to help introduce and train your new employee advocates A brainstorming worksheet that advocates can use to determine their online voice A worksheet that your employees can use to remind themselves of when they need to send social messages That’s right, we did all the work for you. You’re welcome. What Is Social Media Employee Advocacy? A social media employee advocacy program allows you to use your employee’s vast social networks to help promote your company or brand. These employees are called "social employees" or "employee advocates." There are a lot of definitions of social employees, but the definition  that captures it best is from The Social Employee  by Mark and Cheryl Burgess: â€Å"Social Employees can utilize social media tools to act as authentic brand ambassadors in order to cultivate unique relationships with individuals where the end goal isn’t simply a purchase action but a dynamic exchange of ideas.† It’s a long definition, I know. But, the definition above captures both what a social employee is, and their purpose within your organization. It’s also important to note before we continue that when we refer to social media employee advocacy platforms, we’re talking about Twitter and LinkedIn. Let’s continue, shall we? What is social media employee advocacy (and is it right for your brand)?10 Steps To Starting Your Own Employee Advocacy Program Now that you know what an employee advocacy program is we’re going to move on to how to start your own program. The following steps will walk you through how to convince your team to join you, and the process you need to follow in order to get your program off on the right foot. Step 1: Identify Strong Candidates for Your Employee Advocacy Program Whether you’ve started your program and it flopped, or you’re just trying to get your feet off the ground, having the right people on your team is crucial to the initial success of your program. Therefore, check off the following before you  start: Pick a group of 10 people who you think would be good initial adopters of the program Narrow that list down to five Send the introductory email to those five people Depending on the size of your organization, the number of your initial adoptors may vary. We would recommend starting off with five, and growing the program from there. Five may seem like a small number, but there’s a lot of work that goes into setting up this program. Start small, you can always grow. Not to mention, you could run into a too many cooks in the kitchen type of problem. Don’t create that problem for yourself, trust me on this one. Now, I know what you’re thinking. What qualities should I be looking for the initial adopters of my employee advocacy social media program? A potential employee advocate should check off at least three of the following: Eager to learn Social media savvy Passionate about their job Great writing skills Has a wide knowledge base about the company Is already active on LinkedIn, Twitter, or both Is actually excited about the program and the potential it can bring to their department These are just a few of the qualities you will want to look for in your new social media employee advocacy program participants. Remember, you want to narrow it down to the best of the best so your program has a great jumping off point. A quick warning before you start your list. Do not, under any circumstances, force an employee to be a part of your employee advocacy program. No one likes being forced to do anything. It's like forcing a 4 year old to eat anything that's green. It's not gonna happen. If you force your employees to become your brand advocates, your program becomes in-genuine, and your potential consumers will see that coming from a mile away. So how do you approach your employees so that’ll they come and hear you out? Grab your free email template that complements  this post to customize and send to potential employee advocates. Feel free to personalize it to each person you’re sending it too. It may take a bit more time, but the personal touch really helps. Or you could just copy and paste the email from the social media employee advocacy kit. To Do: Make a list ten employees who you believe would be a good fit for your program Narrow the list down to five Send initial introduction email (Grab it from the kit that complements this post) Step 2: Introduce The Employee Advocacy Program To Your Team Why do you need to introduce the program to your employees? Well, first of all, you need to ask them if they want to participate.  Check out that email template from above to help get your started. Secondly, think about their schedule. They’re probably already swamped with a giant list of things to do. Imagine if your boss came to you and said, "Hey, I need you to spend about 3 hours a week tweeting about our company." You’d probably say no. Who wants extra work? No one. Being an employee advocate is not an easy task. It’s one that requires dedication and time. Most importantly, it’s a task that needs to be taken on voluntarily. So how do you convince your employees to take on extra work? Incentivize it. How do you convince your employees to take on extra work? Incentive it.I'm gonna get personal here for a second. When someone puts a competitive twist on things I’m immediately hooked. I have to win. I want to come out on top. Obviously, I'm pretty competitive person. Maybe your employees are the same way, and if so you can capitalize on that. Whether it’s a bonus, fun retreats, or even company swag, having a way for your employees to get rewarded will help them be more open to the possibility of participating in the program. So you've got everyone in the room. Now what? A presentation, maybe? You don't have time to create that. Don’t worry, we did that for you. Download it here. To Do: Download the PowerPoint slide deck from the social media employee advocacy starter kit Brainstorm ways to incentivize your employee advocacy program Get clearance from upper management for those incentives Schedule a meeting with your select five employees to go through presentation Step 3: Determine The Voice Of The Employees Who Will Be Participating In The Program If your employee advocates sound like a corporate robot, that’s what your consumer/customer fan base is going to think of them as. That’s not a good thing. Your employees need to bring their unique voice and perspective in order to breathe fresh life into your content. So how do you do this? Bring your employees to the  table. Schedule a short meeting, 15 minutes maximum to brainstorm and finalize an employee voice. You could even just swing by their desk when they have a minute or two to spare. Remember you want these meetings to be effortless and easy. The less this program interferes with their daily schedule the better. Once you’re in your meeting ask the following two questions and have them record their answers on the one-pager that is in the attached kit. What are five personality traits that make you great at your job? What are five personality traits that are not you? Once they have those written down have them pick their top three. Those become the voice of the employee online. An example is below. For a sales manager (let’s call him Bill), his list could look like: Confident but not arrogant Silly but not unprofessional Informative but not pushy Here's how to help your team develop their social media voice:Still stuck? Let me use myself as an example. I created my professional Twitter profile during my senior year of college because I wanted my potential new employers to know that: I was knowledgeable about social media and knew how to use it. I wanted to stand out among other applicants and find additional ways to showcase my personality. So when it came to creating my voice I had to answer the following three questions: Who am I and what is my personality like? Am I passive in my opinions or unafraid to state them clearly? If a potential employer or professional took thirty seconds to look at my profile what would they think about me? Have your employees try and think along the same mindset. Remember, don’t give them the answers. This is all about them. Have them fill out the worksheet in the kit that complements this blog post, and attach it to a desk, cubicle wall, or wherever they will see it often. This will act as a gentle reminder in case they get stuck on what to post. To Do: Print out voice brainstorming worksheet from kit Schedule a short meeting with participating employees or drop by there desk Brainstorm what their voice will be Finalize voice structure and record on worksheet Step 4: Create A Username  Convention When most companies start their social media employee advocacy program, they’ll usually identify their employees with a naming convention. Usually this means incorporating the company name into the Twitter handle somehow. It is important to note that once you pick a naming convention,  you stick with it. Once you pick a company-wide social media naming convention, stick with it.For example, our friends at Onsharp, a digital marketing and website development company in our home state of North Dakota, has an active social employee program. The handles for each of their employees is @Onsharpname. They cover a wide variety of topics, and are also able to show off their company culture. This not only helps increase their overall credibility,  but if you have a potential employee looking into the company, they have a chance to see genuine interactions that happen within the team. But it’s not just small businesses using username conventions. Discovery  Benefits is making a huge mark on the insurance industry. We recently interviewed their marketing manager,  Abby Boggs-Johnson,  for our Actionable  Marketing Podcast. In it,  Abby mentions how her sales team has started a series of social media employee advocacy profiles that are helping them connect to their customer base. By creating these unique connections between the sales team and their customers, Discovery Benefits is able to showcase genuine interactions which can allow people to build trust  in the company. Like Onsharp, Discovery Benefits has a naming convention @DBIname. It would be easy to say, â€Å"Well, these are smaller companies.†Ã‚  What about big Fortune 500s? Have they tried a social media employee advocacy program? Actually, some Fortune 500s were a few of the earliest adopters. One of them was Adobe. Adobe’s program still exists but unlike Discovery Benefits and Onsharp, Adobe doesn’t have a naming convention. Most of their employees have the @Adobe programming they work for listed in their handle. Why would Adobe forgo a naming convention? The company is huge,  and because there are so many different official Adobe product accounts, it would be impossible to keep one single convention among  all the different products. So if you’re a smaller company with one main Twitter account,  you should have a naming convention.  But if you’re marketing for a major corporation with multiple official Twitter accounts,  use your bio to identify which major company profile you are associated with. But Breonna, how do I create my naming convention? Don’t worry, I have you covered. Here's how to create a naming convention for your social media employee advocacy program:Below is a list of ten naming conventions. Pick one that you think will work best for your company. Some names will be too long. Remember, Twitter has a character limit for it’s usernames, so don’t be afraid if you have to use initials or abbreviations. @CompanyName @Company_Name @CompanyAcroynmName @CompanyInitialsName @Name_CompanyName @NameCompanyName @NameAtCompany @NameFromCompany @NameFrom_Company Company handle in bio To Do: Go through naming convention list Choose a convention and make sure it fits under Twitter’s 15 character handles Step 5: Create Consistent  Profile and Cover Photo Images One of the great ways that you can help distinguish your social media employee advocates is to have a matching profile style image and cover photo. Not only does this help distinguish your actual social employees online, it gives it a nice, clean, polished and professional look to your social accounts. Profile images should be: Headshot style- shoulders and above Contain the same background Any editing style applied to the headshot photo should be the same throughout Here are a couple examples from our team. This is Chris St. Amant, UI/UX Desginer: And Tyler Brazier, Software Engineer: Like the profile images, cover photos should be: Clean and informative Inviting The same throughout all profiles They should look like this: Or this: Everything is clean and consistent. Just the way we like it. It’s important to note that once the standard is set for the profiles, it needs to be followed throughout every single one of them. Why is this consistency  important? It helps users and your customers find your profiles. It also acts as a minor defense system against people who may try to impersonate the account. Once you’ve got your headshots and cover images created,  you can move on to account set up. To Do: Meet with graphic designer and document headshot and cover photo requirements Schedule time for employees to have headshots taken Review headshots and cover photos for final approval Step 6: Set Up Your Social Accounts Now that you’ve got your team on board and their voice has been determined, you’re ready for the fun part. Setting up your profiles. Whether your team is working with Twitter, LinkedIn or both, how you set up the accounts is incredibly important. For some people, this will be the first interaction they ever have with one of your employees. You want your bios to be short and sweet, as well as original. Everyone talks about how they love coffee and traveling. Challenge your employee advocates to think outside the box with another brainstorm session. Have them write down or think about the following: What does their online voice sound like? How can their bio reflect that? They may love coffee and traveling but what is something unique about them? What position do they hold within the company? Do they have a hobby, favorite book series etc, that they will sometimes tweet about? Have them think about some of these questions so they can incorporate them to make a unique bio for their profiles. For example, my professional Twitter bio looks like this: In it, I talk about my field of experience, my passion for theatre, my current position, my alma mater and for good measure I throw in a bit about my Harry Potter obsession. This simple bio does a few things: It establishes my area of expertise and the repertoire I tweet about. It adds personality. Not only do you know that I’m a Content Writer for , you also know that I love theatre and Harry Potter, among other things. This can help establish a connection to a potential client or customer. It makes me approachable. You know,  without a doubt, there is a real human behind that profile. This can make approaching me with a question about our product easier than approaching a company account. Some of you may have noticed there’s something missing in my bio. Can you see it yet? I don’t have a disclaimer in my online bio. Many people will tell you that your professional social accounts need a disclaimer that runs something along the lines of: Opinions are my own Retweet does not = endorsement Many people will add these disclaimers to their social bios in order to protect themselves and the company they work for. It seemed like a simple solution that would protect the employee in case they tweeted something that their employer disagreed with. It’s also thought that adding this disclaimer would protect the employer from public backlash if an employee tweeted something inappropriate. I’m sorry to say that these phrases will rarely protect either the employee or their employer  from backlash if something inappropriate is posted on social media. What can protect me, you might be thinking to yourself? Honestly, nothing but solid common sense. And on that happy note, we’ll continue into step 7. To Do: Brainstorm traits for your employee bios Edit and finalize bios. Add to social profile Step 7: Determine Your Posting Rules If I had to tell you to take away one vitally important piece of information away from this blog  post,  it would be that if you decide to develop your own social media employee advocacy program, determine your posting rules before you start. It may seem like a nonsense task. Why would I have the team take time to write everything down? Because, while great, social media can turn on you within seconds if you or a team member sends the wrong tweet  or message. It doesn’t take much to remember some of the biggest blunders that a company has made on social media. United, Cracker Barrel,  or Pepsi  ringing a bell at all? The internet can be a merciless place, and will never forget anything you posted. Yes, even if you delete it. Social media can turn on you in seconds if you send the wrong tweet or message.Having established rules in place can help you avoid those costly mishaps and give you the peace of mind that content being sent by your team is appropriate, timely and most importantly, connects with your customer base in ways your normal advertising won’t. With that in mind here is an example list of posting do’s that your team can start with and expand on: Post about company milestones Post/Retweet great reviews from other customers Have a blog? Have your employees tweet links back to new content Hosting an event? Have your advocates help promote it? The same goes when you’re attending an event or conference. Make your presence known by tweeting about it If you have fun office traditions, like our #BratwurstBlowout, tweet about it to show off your culture Hiring? Having your advocates post about new positions is a great way to help recruit people to your team Launching a new product or have some big news coming out? Extend the reach of your launch by having employees tweet to If your company is industry specific, have employees share new news or industry trends This is just a starting list. As your program continues to grow, your list will change and grow as your employees find their niche.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Research an anilyze an article that pertains my research proposa

Research an anilyze an that pertains my research proposa - Article Example The purpose was to answer questions about humor. These questions were: â€Å"How effective is humor in the foreign language classroom?†, â€Å"How are concepts of humor in the different cultural contexts learned by foreign language students?†, â€Å"What role do theories of humor play when studying the use of humor in the world language classroom?† (p. 400). The purpose of this article was to give information about the use of humor in the classroom and to answer these questions. The authors studied the research in â€Å"education, linguistics, and psychology† (p. 400) to answer the questions. Although the hypothesis was not written as a hypothesis, it was clear that the authors assumed that the use of humor in the classroom would be beneficial to both students and teachers. They also thought that some forms of humor could be easily identified and therefore they could create a profile of humor that could be used in any classroom. This was a directional hypothesis because the authors could use humor in the classroom in any way they wanted to see what would be the most effective. The authors clearly stated that research has not been done on the effects of humor in the classroom so they relied on journal articles about humor in general. They took articles from â€Å"education, linguistics, and psychology† (p. 400) in order to give them a broader idea of how humor would work in a foreign language classroom. They also went into classrooms and observed how humor was being used and the response that the teacher received from the students. The subjects involved were students and teachers in whole world classrooms. The authors relied heavily on their observations and the body of research that was already presented. The authors did not state how they arrived at the subjects. The authors set out to find ways to use humor in the foreign language classroom that would benefit all teachers

Friday, October 18, 2019

Africans during enslavement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Africans during enslavement - Essay Example Field hands or field slaves did not have the same privileges as house slaves. Men and women would work in the fields plowing, planting, and harvesting cotton, sugar cane, wheat, tobacco, and other cash crops. Field hands were the slaves that were rebellious, strong, and disposable. Field hands were beaten more. This desperate situation causes a more direct rebellion. Field hands would run, attack, and resist in violent manners. These slaves had nothing to lose. The choices were grim. Field slaves could be beaten to death, work to death, or live a miserable existence until death. Kunta was a field hand after being brought to North America as a slave. He was strong but ran every chance he got. The last time Kunta escaped, slave trackers cut his foot off. After his foot was cut off, Kunta could no longer run. His master made him a driver. Kunta had to find another way to resist. He celebrated his African roots quietly. One example is of putting stones in a jar every full moon. This was a way to count the passage of time. He named his daughter an African name of Kizzy. Kunta also received to eat pork due to his Muslim background. All of these acts were ones of resistance. Enslavement and oppression resistance also depended upon generation. Kunta and Nunu were African. The slaves from Africa were once free. Kunta and Nunu had family, friends, and a tribe. On the other hand, Bell, Kizzy, Nunu’s son, Joe (Sankofa) were first, second, and further generations. The slaves born in captivity only knew slavery.

Econ5150final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Econ5150final - Essay Example Another reason as to why the economy of these two nations as well as that of the general Asian region is the availability of technology and well skilled personnel who are able to use this technology to improve production (Onyemelukwe, Pg. 265). The high population of these nations has also been a contributing factor due to the fact that it creates a large and ready market for finished goods. In economics, one of the factors that influence the demand of a commodity is the size of the population. As such, with the high population in China and S. Korea, the demand for finished goods is high (Onyemelukwe, Pg. 266). Despite the numerous similarities between the economic growth and development of China and that of S. Korea, it is imperative to note that there are some distinguishing factors between the two and hence there exist a number of differences. As a norm, the economical and political environment of one geographical region will always differ from that of other regions. This article will purpose to compare and contrast the economies of China and S. Korea. It will address the variety of factors that influence the economies of the two nations before giving a conclusion on the same. Economy of China China is one of the nations that have had the most significant economic growth over the last couple of years. Being a third world country, China has been able to grow to such a level that today it is ranked second largest economy in terms of GDP second only to the United States of America which is considered a global superpower. In addition, over the period of the last three decades, China has been ranked as the fastest growing economy in the world registering an average growth rate of 10% per annum in the last thirty years (Lardy Pg. 3-6). In addition, China has also been ranked as the largest exporter in the world and at the same time as the second largest importer after the USA. It is also imperative to note that China is ranked first in manufacturing. It has outdon e the USA and has now become the largest service driven economy. Ranking on per capita basis, China was at position 87th by Nominal GDP in the year 2012. This was according to the records of the International Monetary Funds. Despite the enormous rejuvenation of the Chinese economy, it should be acknowledged that there are some parts of the country which are less developed tan others. For instance, areas located in the hinterland have experienced relatively slow development while areas at the coastal region are highly industrialized. China continues to strategize itself for further development and economic growth. One of the strategies that are guiding its development is the Xi Jinping’s Chinese Dream. Under this dream, the China government is committed to achieving â€Å"Two 100s† by the year 2049. This means, by the year 2020 which also happens to be the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party, the nation plans to have become a moderately well off community a nd that will denote the first 100 of the â€Å"two 100s.† then, by the year 2049, which will also be the 100th anniversary since the People’s Republic was founded, it is expected that China will be a fully developed economy. There are a number of factors that have contributed to the growth and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Management accounting and control (s-12 -1-4)) Coursework

Management accounting and control (s-12 -1-4)) - Coursework Example In this control model, there are several actions that ought to be subjected to control as argued by Otley and Berry (1980). In their argument, the authors point out four conditions of control. i. Existence of clear organisation’s objectives ii. The outputs of the budgetary process should be measurable iii. The effect of the control actions must be predictable iv. The organisation should be able to implement a corrective action throughout the budgetary process. Existence of clear organisation’s objectives Management of public and large private organisations is sometime hard to attain the desired ends. Activities and various operations should be monitored closely and action should be taken in order to achieve the intended objectives. Objectives drive an organisation in pursuing any activity. It dictates what ought to be done at specific period of time. An organisation has objectives and subsidiary objectives that influence its course of actions. Setting clear objectives i s one of the functions of modern management both in private and public sector. Measurement of goal attainment both financially and in terms of meeting demands of stakeholders is paramount. The issue of goal attainment cannot be achieved without confronting the issue of organisation’s effectiveness and efficiency, which means have direct effect on organisation’s budget (Bunce et al., 1995). The extent to which clear objectives apply in the context of budgeting As suggested by Otley and Berry (1980), objectives for budgetary process under control must exist; otherwise without them the control process is meaningless to the organisation. Well defined objectives compel an organisation to work without certain resource and time constraints. Most organisations around the world defined their objectives which ought to be achieved within budgeted resources. The objectives act a guide to the utilization of the existing resources as reflected in the budget. The authors further sugg est that the budgeting control process is influenced directly by the objectives to be attained during a specified period of time. It is demeaning for organisation to spend its resources on unbudgeted things since it will undermine the attainment of well defined objectives. Without objectives, the budgeting process will be aimless hence the entire concept of budgetary control becomes inappropriate. As the business operations progresses, an organisation continually monitors the world around and compares its current state with its objectives. Is the organisation in the correct route in respect to its budgeting process? Is its spending within the appropriate budget limit? Is the organisation avoiding resource strain? The objectives helps an organisation makes a budgetary observations by the use of measurable aspects of budget. The outputs of the budgetary process should be measurable Most literature advocate for adoption of performance based budgeting (PBP) as a primary way of attaining efficiency in the management of public resources. The sole aim of this concept is to link performance information with effective management and allocation of public or organisational resources. It emphasizes the significance of singling out measurable outcomes and effectively allocating resources to facilitate the realization of these outcomes. According to Otley

Helper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Helper - Assignment Example While in the past, the Port of Savannah was boosted by the export of American goods such as â€Å"flax, silk and cotton to Europe and the rest of the world† (Machalaba n. p.), at present, the port is now revitalized by ships that bring Asian goods deep into the American continent. The second important point is that economic activity in Savannah is such an important economic hub for the region, generating almost 120,000 jobs (Machalaba n. p.). The third point is that Savannah also benefitted from the booming port industry in the U.S., given that other busy ports, such as those of Los Angeles and Long Beach cannot handle the volume of business anymore (Machalaba n. p.). Another alarming point is that half of the retail goods that Americans consume come through ports, imported from Asian countries (Machalaba n. p.). Finally, businessmen of Savannah pins their hopes for the continued surge of Savannah on wooing big box retailers (Machalaba n. p.). Works Cited Machalaba, Daniel. â €Å"How Savannah Brought New Life to Its Aging Port.† Logistics Atlanta, n. d. Web. 27 May 2011.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Management accounting and control (s-12 -1-4)) Coursework

Management accounting and control (s-12 -1-4)) - Coursework Example In this control model, there are several actions that ought to be subjected to control as argued by Otley and Berry (1980). In their argument, the authors point out four conditions of control. i. Existence of clear organisation’s objectives ii. The outputs of the budgetary process should be measurable iii. The effect of the control actions must be predictable iv. The organisation should be able to implement a corrective action throughout the budgetary process. Existence of clear organisation’s objectives Management of public and large private organisations is sometime hard to attain the desired ends. Activities and various operations should be monitored closely and action should be taken in order to achieve the intended objectives. Objectives drive an organisation in pursuing any activity. It dictates what ought to be done at specific period of time. An organisation has objectives and subsidiary objectives that influence its course of actions. Setting clear objectives i s one of the functions of modern management both in private and public sector. Measurement of goal attainment both financially and in terms of meeting demands of stakeholders is paramount. The issue of goal attainment cannot be achieved without confronting the issue of organisation’s effectiveness and efficiency, which means have direct effect on organisation’s budget (Bunce et al., 1995). The extent to which clear objectives apply in the context of budgeting As suggested by Otley and Berry (1980), objectives for budgetary process under control must exist; otherwise without them the control process is meaningless to the organisation. Well defined objectives compel an organisation to work without certain resource and time constraints. Most organisations around the world defined their objectives which ought to be achieved within budgeted resources. The objectives act a guide to the utilization of the existing resources as reflected in the budget. The authors further sugg est that the budgeting control process is influenced directly by the objectives to be attained during a specified period of time. It is demeaning for organisation to spend its resources on unbudgeted things since it will undermine the attainment of well defined objectives. Without objectives, the budgeting process will be aimless hence the entire concept of budgetary control becomes inappropriate. As the business operations progresses, an organisation continually monitors the world around and compares its current state with its objectives. Is the organisation in the correct route in respect to its budgeting process? Is its spending within the appropriate budget limit? Is the organisation avoiding resource strain? The objectives helps an organisation makes a budgetary observations by the use of measurable aspects of budget. The outputs of the budgetary process should be measurable Most literature advocate for adoption of performance based budgeting (PBP) as a primary way of attaining efficiency in the management of public resources. The sole aim of this concept is to link performance information with effective management and allocation of public or organisational resources. It emphasizes the significance of singling out measurable outcomes and effectively allocating resources to facilitate the realization of these outcomes. According to Otley

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Resume Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Resume - Assignment Example My previous work experiences entail dealing directly with people through administering functions and through managing organizational campaigns. I am highly skilled in undertaking effective communication, in various medium. I am an exemplary team player and could work in diverse environments; even in demanding or highly challenging situations. My ability to discern appropriate conflict negotiating techniques, as well as apply problem-solving strategies, make me highly competent for the position. Likewise, my aviation knowledge and skills would be a potential advantage for an Air and Marine Interdiction Agent, in the near future. I am hereby attaching my resume for your perusal. I would be available for interview at your most convenient time. I could be reached in any of the stipulated contact details. I am confident that when considered for the position, we would be establishing a mutually beneficial business relationship. I would be looking forward to hearing from you

Benefits of Nonverbal Communication Essay Example for Free

Benefits of Nonverbal Communication Essay Certain things are not conveyed by words or verbal means because individuals are not simply skilled to deliver or are not trained to explain in appropriate means or symbols. An officer can definitely learn from an understanding of nonverbal communication as he/she will be able to gain the nuances of an offender or parolee’s responses whether these are in consonance with the gaze in his eyes, the confidence of gait, or the studied looks that he may portray during the sessions that might transpire with the officer (Messina, Training in Nonverbal Communication). An officer who has spent a lengthy time studying people in this kind of profession, the difficulty usually lies in studying those who are mentally deranged, or the offenders who are so evil that they are capable to manipulate even the most intelligent officers, when possible. Their eyes convey differently where their talk or smiles carry them to a different level (Carrick, 2006). Art in any form conveys the reality that a human’s world is enriched by the kind of communication inherent in being human. Even one’s attire may speak a million things about the person or his intentions. People communicate both through verbal and nonverbal modes. Though we mistake verbal communication is clearer, yet often the reverse is truer (Messina, Training in Nonverbal Communication). People frequently understand our gestures more than our words. Hence, the adage â€Å"Actions speak louder than words. † Nonverbal communication is taught and performed frequently on an almost instinctive level. People get attention by using nonverbal signals and every so often the attention is usually due to an unpleasant manner by which these signals were conveyed. Most people who employ body language utilize such behavior to conceal the self for fear of rejection. The result would mean no real deep connections and deters other people to develop such deep and beneficial relationships. Many of those who realize their need try to unlearn years of covering up and attempt to make themselves known to avoid (Messina, Training in Nonverbal Communication). Every individual has inadequate stock of body language and utilizes the same manners to show specific emotionality. Body language and/or gestures, and a host of physical and psychological signals take place in clusters. This means that when a particular body language is used, it may not mean much as when it is used alongside many other forms of communication (Messina, Training in Nonverbal Communication). The officer then must continually make use of every opportunity as a learning experience as people are dynamic and continually changing. Reference: Carrick, Damien. 31 January 2006. The Law Report. Parole Boards. Messina, James D. Training in Nonverbal Communication. Accessed from Analysis of Cultural Communication and Proxemics http://www. unl. edu/casetudy/456/traci. htm

Monday, October 14, 2019

Amway Design Advertising Marketing Essay

Amway Design Advertising Marketing Essay Introduction Amway was founded in 1959 by two entrepreneurs Jay Van Andel  and  Richard DeVos. Amway is a direct selling company based in Ada, Michigan, United States. It is the world largest direct selling company and manufacturer that uses network marketing business model. The company is selling a range of products, mainly in fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) and also a range of other products. Its products lines include home care products, personal care products, jewellery, electronics, Nutrilite dietary supplements, water purifiers, air purifiers, insurance and cosmetics. Figure 1: Logo of Amway Source: Figure 2: Jay Van Andel   Richard DeVos source: Figure 3: Multi level marketing source: stock image Although Amway adapts its business model slightly different from market to market however the main marketing strategy still involve the combination of  direct selling  with a  multi-level marketing  strategy. Direct selling defined by Belch as the direct personal presentation, demonstration, and sale of products and services to consumers, generally in their homes or at their jobs (Belch 2006). Besides multi-level marketing also called in different ways by different scholars network marketing (Pratt, Rosa, Josà © 2003) (Cahn, 2006), direct selling (Merilee, 1999), referral marketing (Higgs; Smith, 2007). The distributors under the company as an agent will get rewards for selling products and for sponsoring others who do the same. The bigger of the agent business grows will have the same affect on the rewards. According to the official website of Amway, it conducts business through a number of affiliated companies in more than ninety countries and territories around the world (Amway UK 2009).  It is ranked by  Forbes online source business, financial news and analysis as one of the largest private companies in the United States in the year of 2008 (Forbes 2008)  and by  Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu as one of the largest retailers in the world. The vision of Amway Company is we work each and every day to help people live better lives. We achieve our vision by helping people everywhere discover their potential and achieve their goals by offering better products and opportunities for the future, and by sharing generously with the global community (Amway 2009).   Amway business model is based on the Amway Business Owner Compensation Plan can be descript as a low-risk, low-cost business opportunity that is open to everyone (Amway 2009).   Following paragraphs will evaluate the key strategic factors that have generated success for this business and also being a successful entrepreneurial venture. The concept of entrepreneurship can be divided in to five divisions begin with entrepreneur traits, creativity, innovation, business planning and  growth management (Davison, 2006). These five concepts are the characteristics of an entrepreneur and the business. Key strategic success factors is the combination from all division of the business, different areas of Amway will be discussed on how it is a successful business. Key strategy success factors There are differences to describe and displayed by entrepreneurs. According to Cunningham and Lischeron (1991) characteristics of an entrepreneur can be divided in to six schools of thought. The founders of Amway Jay Van Andel  and  Richard DeVos portray as the psychological characteristics school. The Psychological Characteristics School of entrepreneurship views entrepreneurs as individuals with unique values, beliefs, attitudes and needs which drive them and differentiate them from non-entrepreneurs (Cunningham and Lischeron, 1991). Two founders of Amway started the business by involve themselves in a similar multilevel marketing organisation Nutrilite Products Corporation as the distributors. Further on with the strong human network that they have and formed  The American Way Association business to able them to expend their business and also look for additional products to market. When the business growths stronger there take over different companies and also have their ow n manufacturers. The business keeps on growing with the multilevel marketing system in different countries. They believe in the values that the business can bring to them and have the attitudes that driven them to become successful entrepreneurs. The ability of creativity and innovation will become an advantages for entrepreneur in differentiate their business with others. Schumpeter (1934) mention that entrepreneurship is the realisation of new factor combinations also can be understood as innovation in business. He point out that it is about new products, new services, new raw material sources, new production methods, new markets, new forms of organization. Amway committed themselves into innovation and research. The company has produced more than 800 patents granted and more than 600 patents pending. Throughout the year Amway company has been recognized in their business performance that includes manufacturing excellence, environmental concern, and commitment to safety and health (Amway global, 2010). Figure 4: Basic design school model, Mintzberg 2000 Figure 5: Products range Figure 6 : Amways supply Chain Business plan is the first stage for a business; basic design school model (Mintzberg 2000) is a great model to evaluate a business plan. In the initial stage of the model by looking into the external appraisal this is to examine the external elements influences the entrepreneurs strategy option. There is a huge demand on the FMCG, commodities and also dietary supplements market that with the customer groups from all levels and ages. Although there are lot of big players in this sector, but with the unique multilevel marketing approach it became a strong competitive company. Threats and opportunities in the environment  is one of the important element is the Basic design school model. The threats and opportunities of Amway will be explained as an entrepreneurial point of view. Begin by presenting the first opportunity of the business; from a lager scope China and India are the two countries that with a large scale of market share. From a larger scale the opportunity that the company gains as China remains the core opportunity with the huge market. In the year 1998 Amway was one of the direct selling company that banned by government of China to operate in the country. However in December 2006 Amway was one of the first companies to receive a license to resume direct sales by chinas ministry of commerce. The rules and regulation that keep on changing by different countries will bring both threats and opportunities time by time. Second from a smaller scale based on recent economic recession has presented Amway with an opportunity to increase their income as its Independent Business Operators (IBOs) through their Amway sales at the same time it also provide an opportunity for individual to recruit new IBOs to join the business to be the same in this economic situation. Besides opportunities there are also threats to be considered as an entrepreneur. In a weak economic with high unemployment there will be an increase in the recruitment in the new IBOs however this is still subject to weak retail sales. Somehow the IBOs may turn away from Amway when they are unable to generate sufficient revenue. The big players in the FMCG market such as PG and LOreal consolidated share by acquisition over the review period, and the competitive environment for Amway became more aggressive. Besides With recent consolidation among standard distributed VDS brands. Amway is facing increasing competition from non-direct sellers (Euromonitor International, 2009). The key success factors in the marketing of Amway that act as the most important method to generate the rapid grow of the company. In most of the countries with the Amway business, the company will provide support for it IBOs. Because of the nature of MLM, the number of IBOs of Amway will be multiplied in a short period of time. Through the support from the company, it will provide training and educating system about Amway business. The purpose is to persuade them to follow the philosophy regards to the method of performing in the business. Besides, there are also materials to support the business for example information in CD, books and events to promote the business and also as a motivation factor. The first point is about Amway have a group of loyalty consumer that are the group of distributors. IBOs of the company with the concept of building up their business and intend to buy and use the products themselves. The group of IBOs will be influenced to a great extent by the community as well as they are constantly encouraged to try the product in advance, before selling it with a better understanding and knowledge of the new products (Wotruba, 1990). Second point a strong word of mouth created around the Amway community and this will influence friends and relative of the consumer, the IBOs expected to have the similar influences of sharing tastes and interests (Chen et al 1998). The recommendations from the opinion leader would be trusted and acceptable. Following with the judgments of the product, the quality of the product has been acknowledges to be with high standard. Specific support and training from the supplier and products manual builds positive perception and confident of the products. The price of the products is consider expensive, however the high prices are justified on the basis of quality and the usage which involves lower cost compare with products from other company with the similar function ability. Aggressive on New products launch and promotions from time to time by the company has generated increase in sales for the company. The promotion will give the IBOs to push the products out to the market to gain the benefits from it. A new launch of products will provide the IBOs with new opportunity to introduce it to their customers. One of the big different between the conventional business like PG compare with Amway is, Amway did not need to spend huge among of money to invest in the distribution channels and the mass advertising. These give the company an advantage in the spread of advertising and marketing cost over the volume, this result in a lower unit cost and more competitive prices. The strength of the company came from a strong presence in the emerging markets, notably China, Russia and India, Amway is well positioned to benefit from the strong growth anticipated in these markets over the 2008- 2013 period. (Euromonitor International, 2009) On the other hand, the weakness of the company is because direct sales has a poor image in Western markets. Amway has been accused in the past of failing to support its IBOs. While the company has defended itself against these claims, damage has been done to its reputation. Figure 7 : Logo of OneBYOne campaign Figure 8: Logo of unicef Amway practices a strong social responsibility and it recognise as being a good corporate citizen. Amway has a global campaign to help children named OneBYOne. The campaign illustrates the idea of making a difference in childrens lives one step at a time and it is part of an umbrella cause to improve the wellbeing of children worldwide (The Time 100, 2010). In the European part Amway Europe has work together with the United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF), to support the global champion for childrens right. It recognises the importance of building good working relationships with UNICEFs National Committees in each market in order to rollout fundraising programmes to Amways IBOs and their customers. (The Time 100, 2010) Figure 9 : Economies of scale spreading costs in advertising Figure 10 : Growth Stages Churchill and Lewis (1992) Entrepreneurs business growth can be explained into five stages of existence, survival, success, take ­off, and maturity (Churchill and Lewis, 1992). As a whole the Amway business is in a maturity stage, with the long history of the cooperation and also business worldwide. However because of the unique business approach, business will repeat the process of business growth in newly opened market. The consistency performance of the Amway business will lead the company to maintain in the business stability in the maturity stage. Conclusion After discussion, explanation and evaluation about the direct selling company from different perspectives in entrepreneurial, business, marketing and social responsibility. All these elements have sum up and became the key strategic factors that have generated success for the Amway Company. Entrepreneurship is a process that keeps on developing,x different challenges will come a head in the future and the entrepreneur will need to be prepared to face the challenges.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Trying Martial Arts :: essays research papers

Trying Martial Arts   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Martial Arts are not a good thing to know. It gives you a false sense of superiority. Which makes you more aggressive than you would be normally would be. With this aggression you would most likely go out and start fights. You would always be mad and want to hurt something. Martial Arts are not a good thing to know.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On the contrary, in martial arts you are taught to control your anger. You are taught not to let your feelings interfere with your skills.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Martial arts encourage violence. It allows people the opportunity to pick on other people who don’t know the art. It gives the one who knows it an upper hand against everybody else. If the wrong people learn this art we could all be in trouble. They would go around terrorizing everything and body.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first thing you are taught in whatever art you take is that you should never use what you know unless you have no choice. In this art there is no such thing as the wrong kind of person, all people with enough training are able to know right from wrong. It helps define lines between authority figures and citizens. It also teaches you to respect you r parents and elders more.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  You are more likely to hurt someone if you are trained in an art. When you get in a fight you are going to either seriously injure the other person or even kill them. Knowing these types of arts is something that should have been lost in is history, it has no place in today’s society. It only causes problems and teaches us to hurt each other. Martial Arts shouldn’t be considered self-defense but more like a weapon to kill.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Yes you are more likely to hurt someone if, and only if, you are provoked into a fight that is unavoidable. This is exactly why you are taught right from the beginning that you do not use it. But if it comes down to it you are trained to have self-control and to know how much force is necessary to talk the other person down.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Martial Arts teach people that fighting is the way to solve all problems. By giving the skill to fight to people they will think that they can win an argument buy fighting and not talking. It promotes people to hurt rather than heal and makes arguments a scary thing to have.