Sunday, November 24, 2019

What is a Narrative Arc • A Guide to Storytelling Structure

What is a Narrative Arc A Guide to Storytelling Structure What is the Narrative Arc? A Guide to Storytelling Through Story Structure Has anyone ever told you that your narrative arc was too weak? Too complex? Or not complex enough?Universal to both fiction and nonfiction, the narrative arc (also called the â€Å"story arc†) refers to the structure and shape of a story. This arc is made up of the events in your story - the sequence of occurrences in the plot - and determines the peaks and plateaus that set the pace. A good arc is vital if you want to engage your readers from start to finish, and deliver a satisfying conclusion.What is a narrative arc?Narrative arc is a term that describes a story's full progression. It visually evokes the idea that every story has a relatively calm beginning, a middle where tension, character conflict, and narrative momentum builds to a peak, and an end where the conflict is resolved.You may already be familiar with one classic example of the story arc: boy meets girl, boy fails girl, boy gets girl again. This may sound oversimplified, and it is. Adding complexity to a bas ic story arc is part of what differentiates one story from another, even when they’re ostensibly dealing with the same ideas. Here’s a parting gift before you go: a video from Kurt Vonnegut, describing the shapes of stories.In the end, that’s what a strong story arc does: it gives a story shape. For alternative story structures, check out the Hero's Journey,  Dan Harmon's Story Circle, or these three story models. To add more dimensions to your story, you can experiment with subplots. Subplots function as mini-arcs, though they should always aim to contribute to the main arc in some way.Sort out your story arc - experiment with it! - and your story won’t be a formless, blobby thing. It’ll gain a spine and new readers.And, of course, if you’re struggling to create a compelling narrative arc, a professional developmental editor will be able to come to the rescue and spot deficiencies.Any questions for us about the story arc? Leave them below - and if you want to share your own experiences with narrative arcs, please do so!

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